EnviroTeam Slovakia


Measurement emissions of CO, NOX, SO2, particlulate matter (PM), PM2,5/10, TOC, VOC, PCB, PCDD/DF provides accredited testing laboratory using three fully-equipped measurement vehicles.

Measurements of organic and inorganic compounds including metals and metalloid compounds are conducted by specialized sample collection systems that meet the latest technical regulations for measuring these substances.


Calibration of analyzer as part of a comprehensive testing and control of continuous emissions measurement systems (CEMS) which are installed at major sources of air pollution.

Calibration of portable analyzers. External analyzers may be transferable and which serve to monitor the composition of the waste gas at various optimization process.


Provides control installation and operation of automated continuous emission monitoring (CEMS) which are installed at major sources of air pollution. As part of these activities is to detect and control a variety of functional parameters of CEMS while assessing compliance with the technical regulations (EN and ISO standards).

Full functional testing and inspection of compliance CEMS are performed in test mode - the introduction of new pollution sources and / or CEMS to permanent use.